8 Months!

It seems like only yesterday I was blogging about Zara being born, and now she's 8 months old today!!

I really didn't have time today to go out and take some 'nice' photos, so these ones from my phone will have to do!

Anyway, Zara has managed to pick up some big milestones in this last month.  Yes, our little girl is now officially a crawler.  Well I use crawler in a loose term, as she is more of the army crawler, like Noah was!  

She just loves her new found independence.  Her favourite place in the house is being next to the big window in the dining room where she can see into the back garden.  She just loves looking (and being) outside.  On the other hand her freedom does come with some insecurities.  The other day she crawled all the way to our bathroom, took one look around, realised she didn't see me or the boys, freaked out and just cried until I came to the rescue! 

The other milestone is her teeth.  Yep, just a week or two ago she cut her two bottom teeth, both at the same time.  You can only just see them, so getting a photo is near impossible if you want to keep your fingers.

She is our water baby!  Zara just loves the water.  Every time she's in it she tries to drink it, although I'm pretty sure that's just a baby instinct?! However, its pretty cute to watch.

She can wave hello or goodbye!  The boys love practicing with her ~

She is slowly but surely getting more hair, not that you can tell as yet.  But I think I can safely say that she has as much hair now as she did when she was born! :)  No matter what, she's still a beauty to us!  I mean look at her.....

 PS Thank you to Nanna and Granddad for the beautiful dress!! It's mummies favourite!


Kirsty and Seth said…
Such a little beauty!

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