It kind of snowed.....twice

So my lovely little (or not so little) cutie pies were really excited to move here for one main reason...SNOW!  They had never seen or can remember seeing snow.  So after hearing that last years snow fall was a crazy amount and the schools were closed, they were super excited for this winter. (A lot more so than mummy, let me tell you!)  If there is one thing I have learned from moving here, although I do like it here, I DO NOT like cold weather!  I just cannot stay warm....but hey that's another story.  A few weeks back we did indeed get snow. This was the second time this year.  It was a very little but it pleased my children all the same!  They had fun in the snow till their fingers froze.  There was enough snow to make a snowman this time so they were happy.

View from our front door

Noah trying to make a snow angel.  The snow had unfortunately frozen, because of freezing rain, but it did make a little indent.

Noah playing ball with Zara

Handsome Roman

She got so cold we had to put a second coat on her!

Making the worlds smallest snowman

Small but cute!

It actually lasted a few days too!

Some frost photos I took a while back.  So pretty!


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