9 months left

I can believe that we only have approximately 9 months left on this beautiful island.  Where has the time gone?  There are still a few things that we need to do before we leave, but I have to tell you this move is going to be so hard.  Our friends here really are our ohana.  I have loved every minute of my time here.

Obviously moving from England was the hardest move I've personally done.  What with leaving my family and with having Noah as just a newborn, at 6 weeks old, it was emotional and very difficult.  When leaving San Antonio, we left with Roman only being 3 months and having another 'overseas' move made it crazy with 2 children and all our things.  In just a few short months we will be leaving here, our Oahu ohana, with another little baby.  Yes we had Zara here, and we love having a beautiful baby girl, but we couldn't exactly move with no new born baby in tow, its almost like a tradition!  Zara will be about 21 months by then, far from new born.  So, yes, that's right ladies and gents we will be expecting another bundle of joy 9th May 2016!!!  Baby number 4!  We are so excited.  As usual I have been feeling pretty sick and most food has not been very appealing.  However, that feeling is wearing off a bit now that I'm about 13 weeks and will continue to get better.  I unfortunately didn't get any ultrasound photographs, so my Halloween costume announcement will have to do for now!

Creative announcements aren't my strong point, but I'm glad at least some of you got my unofficial announcement on facebook! :)


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