Introducing Mateo Amonai McCormick

I have to keep pinching myself....I cannot believe we have 4 children.  I really do feel truly blessed.  Our dear little Mateo Amonai McCormick joined our family 4 days early on Thursday 5th May.  It was all quite unexpected.  I started having contractions at 7pm Wednesday evening.  I didn't think much of it as I had had evening contractions quite a lot for the past 2 weeks and they went away before I got into bed.  So this wasn't anything unusual.  11 o'clock came and the contractions started to become regular and a little stronger.  So after phoning labour and delivery at midnight, I was pretty darn sure we were going to have this baby that night.  I've never had a night baby and I have to admit, having a baby in and of its self is tiring but missing your sleep to have a baby is even more tiring!!  I finally got to the hospital at 2.30am and I kid you not, there was not time for anything.  Now let me tell you, I have always had an epidural, I like the fact that I can enjoy the birthing process with Matthias without all the pain.  I like to think my pain threshold is quite high, but I still like having an epidural.  Anyway, my labour came on so quickly that I didn't actually have time of any medication, in fact I didn't have time for much, I didn't get changed, I didn't even have time to get registered into the hospital.  Mateo was born one hour later at 3.36am, weighing 8lbs 15.7oz and 20 inches long.  Boy that was a whirlwind of a labour!  But I'm sure glad that he is with us!  My handsome 3rd boy!

What a handsome chunk!

Ready to go home!!
We were allowed to go home the next day, which was great.  I couldn't wait to get home and get a nap.  I don't think I slept for 28 hours, well I may have got 30 minutes nap here and there, but I don't think that counts.

The boys just absolutely adore Mateo!  Zara loves him too! :)

Just look at that face!  How can you not love him!

My handsome men!

They wanted a silly face picture.

Daddy trying to burp Mateo for me, but Zara got jealous so he had to hold them both!

Zara decided that she does really love Mateo and held his hand while he slept for a whole 20 minutes.

This is her favourite place to be.  She loves holding him!
I'm so glad that there hasn't been need for much adjustment for Mateo in our family.  He just fits right in perfectly!  Oh how we love him!!!


Kirsty and Seth said…
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Kirsty and Seth said…
I can't believe you have 4 children now! Mateos is just gorgeous, as are all of your children. Your boys are so grown up now, when did that happen?!!

Manning Meanderings, Mishaps and Musings

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