2 Months

I know that Mateo will be 3 months in a few days, but I haven't caught up with his 2 months as yet, so I will post that now!

At 2 months, he took his first airplane ride from Hawaii to Washington (state).  He is a brilliant flyer.  He slept the whole flight!  I even had to wake him to feed just before we landed.

He is loved by all his siblings so much and mummy and daddy too, of course.  I often here Zara saying "I want Teo!" repeatedly till she gets him on her lap.  The she proceeds to sing to him and kiss him continually.  It's so cute!  Although I fear he will always have 2 mothers growing up :)  Noah and Roman love their cuddle times with him too. 

Noah is such a great big helper with Mateo.  I know that they are all going to be great friends as they are growing up!

Mateo loves to smile at everyone and he has the biggest most beautiful smile!


Mateo loves to eat. At 7 weeks he weighed 13lbs 4oz!  Who knows what he will weigh in a few days time when he's 3 months.

He's a good sleeper and normally sleeps through the night (from 9pm to 5pm).

His favourite word is "goo" and he just loves to giggle.

Mateo is a bright ray of sunshine.  We are so blessed and lucky to have him in our lives.


Kristen said…
He is so adorable, Elodie!

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