Hawaii to Maryland (6 months in one post!)

WHAT!  I cannot believe I have left it 6 whole months since I last blogged.  I guess moving, hibernating, starting new schools, hibernating, having sick children and.....hibernating have all got in the way.  I know they are all excuses which could easily have been overcome and I could have made time for blogging, but I have been a big blogging procrastinator and you know once you leave something for long enough, it takes such an effort to start again!  So here is me putting forth some effort, after all it is a new year!


We left Hawaii 6 months ago, half a year!  Goodness, I can't believe it!  So many things have happened.  Our last days in Hawaii were hard for me.  I knew that I would be leaving behind not just a beautiful place, but so many beautiful friends.  I've learned so much from them and I will always treasure their friendship, even though I cannot live near them. 

We were given so many lovely leis and spent our last few days on the beach!!  It was a sad time in the lives of our little family!


Then all the travel began!  Here are all our airport/airplane selfies! :)

Zara was sleeping.....picture below!

This was our 2nd flight. We were tired, but excited to get to Utah!

We'd been up since 3.30am...can't tell can you.....!?

....Or maybe you can?! :)

Finally on the plane!

Off to our new home in Maryland!!

 We travelled first to Lakewood Washington to spend a week with Matthias' family.  It was so fun to catch up with family and for our kiddos to play with cousins finally! And eat some of the BEST doughnuts ever!!

Zara wasn't too sure the about the swings! lol

Lakewood Doughnut Shop!  Some of the yummiest doughnuts in the world!

Plus they were HUGE!

Roman ate all of it too!

We were also able to get our little Mateo blessed at Matthias' old ward.  It was nice to have family around for the special events in our kiddos lives!  Living away from them all makes it difficult.

Its hard to get a family photo with everyone smiling....

....and looking the right way! :)

With Grammie and Grandpa!

Our next trip was spent in Utah.  We were only there a few days, we wish we had more days as there were so many people we wanted to visit and see, family and friends!  Next time we will stay longer and visit more people!  We did manage to have a little more fun different cousins.

Beautiful mounts! On our way to see Luke, Rachel and their cute boys!!

Love the Utah mountains

The kiddos were so excited to go to Temple Square!

Handsome Noah!

Family photo time!

Provo Tabernacle Temple

I got so many lovely photos of this temple, I'll have to post them later!

Splash pad with cousins

Water rafting and BBQ with family!

We really loved seeing all of our family from both sides.  I have aunts, uncles and cousins in Utah too!  Although we didn't get photos of you all, thank you so much for making time for us!! :)

So our journeys were coming to an end.  We took our last flight from Utah to our new home in Maryland! 

Our first look of Maryland
When we first arrived in Maryland we spent 7 long weeks in a hotel. It wasn't too bad as we did have a kitchen and a separate room from the children, but space was an issue, not to mention we couldn't walk too heavy or jump as the people below us would complain! :S I guess it could have been worse!

Sunday afternoon nap in our king bed at the hotel!

Someone got into the Nutella!

.....she was eating it with a butter knife!!! Ahh!

It was hard with 4 kiddos, but well worth it in the end.  Moved into our house at the beginning of September and love it here. We really have been blessed with a beautiful house and a lovely church ward.

Since the weather was still nice and hot (too hot sometimes) we decided to get our adventure on in Maryland and DC.  We first visited Fort McHenry.  We all loved it there.  Full of such history and there was so much to see.

Listening to the cannons.  They were really loud!

We also went to DC a few times.  We went to the White House, and a few of the Smithsonians; Air and Space and Native Americans.  Did I mention we also went to the Spy Museum for Matthias' birthday.  Boy we've had some fun in DC and we still have loads to do there. 

James Bond car!

The boys loved the ninja!

Another Bond car!

Did I mention we also went to the DC Temple.  Oh my goodness, its so beautiful! 

View of the Temple from the Highway!

Well, we do now feel like fully fledged Marylanders!  We may have been hibernating this winter (they tell us the weather will get worse.  I mean we haven't even had proper snow yet!) but we've been so cold and our poor little Mateo has had Bronchiolitis numerous times, pneumonia and RSV.  He still isn't feeling 100% but much better than he has been?!  We've enjoyed Halloween....

Zara has celebrated her 2nd birthday,

Matthias and I celebrated another year and our 9th Anniversary, Thanksgiving and just now Christmas. 

Roman has been enjoying a new Joy School with friends from church and Noah loves his new school, Manor View.  They are both doing great.  Noah being on the Principal Honor Roll and a Class Ambassador.  He also started piano lessons.  We have been so busy since moving here we almost haven't got time to miss Hawaii....almost! ;)

Wow, that was a long post, I did warn you!  Putting 6 months in one post was bound to be long.  I promise I won't leave it so long till I update you all!!!  Thank you for reading all the way to the end.  We love you all!


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