Pinewood Derby

Although Noah isn't old enough to be a Cub Scout, our ward at church has an open bracket for anyone who would like to make and race a car.  Last year we didn't get to make one, so we made sure we didn't miss out on the opportunity this year.  A few weeks ago there was a morning where we could go up the church and start making our cars, which was a great help for us!  We hadn't really decided on our final design till this week so we luckily finished it just in time.

In the Primary bracket we raced 3 different cars and although it was very close with one car, and to our surprise we actually won!!  It was a bonus that we didn't expect, but more importantly we really enjoyed making and decorating our car.  It was a great family activity!

Our car is the Angry Bird car!


All the winners of each bracket!


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