1 Month

Look who is 1 month old!

Our handsome little Mateo is already 1 month old.  Where did the time go?!?

Our cutie pie already weighs 11 lbs 6 oz

He loves to eat...he's a true Tongan! :)

He gives mummy plenty of smiles (after a feed!)

He sleeps 4/5 hours each night, which mummy is grateful for!

He has already taken his first trip to the beach (Bellows) at only 3 weeks and loved every eye closing minute of it.  Yes he slept most of the time until he needed to feed so I snapped a photo with his eyes open too!

Asleep in the tent at Bellows beach

Look at what he's missing out on!

Ahh he finally woke up!
Just this week Mateo also enjoyed his first trip to the Hawaii Sea Life Park 

Not that this photo proves he was there, because he was in his car seat, but what you gonna do with a newborn at an aquarium?!

His siblings enjoyed seeing the fish and dolphins for him!

We just love this little boy so much!

Happy 1 month birthday Marvelous Mateo!

This is how he felt about having all those photos taken! Its a hard life :) 


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